Infographics and Stats February 13, 2023

December 2022 Florida Real Estate Stats

Around The HouseSelling Tips January 11, 2023

Tips for Organizing Your Home

Organizing your home is a great way to prepare for a move or to simply clean up and get rid of clutter.  Here are some tips and tricks to make it easy.

Make Use of Containers

Anything from bins, to jars, to trays can be used to organize and store odds and ends.  Decorative trays and baskets can be left out on counters or on open shelves, doubling as decorative touches around the home.  I especially love stackable storage, which makes it easier to organize closets or small spaces.  Stackable storage is great for items you don’t use on a daily basis.  I use them for craft supplies, holiday decorations, and winter clothes.

Bookcases – Not Just For Books

Bookcases can be used for storing just about anything, not just books.  Use them to sort decorative towels or throws, or even to arrange art supplies.  They also make a great place to organize all of those decorative storage containers.

Tie Up Loose Ends

Loose or long, hanging cords can be tied up with zip ties or velcro strips.  You can even use the strips to label and organize seldom used cords.   Don’t stop there!  This is a great way to tie up all of the excess length of cords behind your entertainment stand or computer.  This not only tidies the area up, but is essential for fire safety!

Take advantage of bare walls

Can’t decide how to decorate those bare walls?  Hang open shelves or decorative hooks.  You can even spruce up a pegboard and use that for hanging storage or organizing post-it notes and loose papers.  Pegboards are also great for craft and art supplies.  The possibilities here are endless!

Door hangers

Using the back of a door is a great way to take advantage of limited storage space.  There are many options out there for door storage.  Anything from shoes to spice racks.  Don’t limit yourself!  A shoe storage hanger can be used instead to organize your pantry or bathroom.  Get creative!

Routine is key

Most importantly, it’s necessary to create and stick to a routine.  Whether you’re a fan of annual “Spring Cleaning,” or a prefer getting it done on a monthly basis, it’s a good idea to just make a plan, get going, and get it done!  If organizing the whole house seems daunting, just break it down, room by room.  One space at a time!

Reach out anytime if you need more ideas or want to share yours!

Around The House January 9, 2023

Healthy Houseplants

Celebrating Houseplant Appreciation Day

Let’s talk about houseplants!  Placing indoor plants around your home can not only improve décor, but psychologists say plants can help improve your mood.  And, of course, houseplants make great staging props if you are preparing to sell your home.  In honor of Houseplant Appreciation Day (January 10, 2023), here are some tips for caring for and keeping green, healthy houseplants.

Choose the Right Plant

Not all plants thrive indoors.  Choosing the correct plants to grow in your home is important.  The most commonly kept houseplants include, but are certainly not limited to:

Right Light and Rotate

Believe it or not, not all houseplants love sunlight equally.  Whether the plant likes full-sun, part-sun, part-shade, or full-shade, it is important to understand the difference.  Many indoor plants like indirect or filtered sunlight.  No matter which plants you choose to decorate your home, it is important to read the labels or use the internet to determine the appropriate amount of sunlight.  A commonly forgotten task when keeping indoor plants is to rotate them regularly.  Since plants grow toward sunlight, even shaded plants will lean toward the direction of the sun.  Rotating the plants ensures they grow evenly on each side.

Water Appropriately

Just like sunlight, the amount and frequency of watering a plant needs varies by type.  Some plants thrive on weekly watering, while others may require minimal or monthly watering.  For example, I find Orchids do best with a weekly watering.  Some Orchid lovers swear by ice cubes; put 1 or 2 ice cubes in the pot once a week.  As the cubes melt, they water the plant.  Other Orchid fans recommend filling the pot with enough water to cover the roots and allow it to soak for 5 minutes, after which you should drain the water.  On the other hand, a ZZ Plant does best with watering once a month.  When it comes to Peace Lilies, keeping the soil moist is key.  If you live in a dry climate, you may need to water more frequently than a humid environment.  Again, read the plant labels and research on the internet.

Containers Matter

Choose the right container for your plant.  Whether it is size, material, or drainage, these things matter to a plant.  Many plants will grow to the size of the container.  Simply put, if you want them to get bigger, put them in a bigger pot.  If you’re happy with the size, keep it in the same pot.  Some plants, though, will outgrow their containers and can suffer from overcrowding of the roots or can become “pot bound.”  Keep an eye on your plants as they grow.  If the roots start to grow out of the container or through the drainage holes, it is time for a bigger pot.  You’ll also want to be aware of the size and number of drainage holes (or lack thereof).  Plants often need good drainage, so these holes on the bottom of the container are important.  Just make sure you water the plant outside or have a plate of some sort under the container to catch the extra water that drains out of the bottom.

Keep them Clean and Trimmed

Your houseplants should be included in your regular cleaning routine.  Too much dust or debris can keep the plants from getting the required sunlight and will inhibit photosynthesis.  Dusting each leaf, one-by-one, can be a tedious task.  The easiest thing to do is periodically bring the plants outside and hose them off.  I’ve heard of some people putting their plants in the shower and rinsing them off.  Whichever way you choose to go, make sure the containers are dry before returning them to their homes.  In addition, you’ll want to trim any brown/dying foliage.  Dying leaves leach nutrients from the plant, thus pulling resources from the other healthy leaves.  If the dying leaf is diseased or suffering from a pest infestation, leaving the leaf could allow the spread of the disease/pests to the rest of the plant.

Don’t Forget Your Plants

Neglect is one of the most common plights of indoor plants.  Don’t forget to care for your plants and check on them regularly.  This is the best way to catch issues before it’s too late to save them.


Information sources:,,,

Infographics and Stats January 7, 2023

November 2022 Florida Real Estate Stats

Buying Tips January 7, 2023

Florida Hometown Heroes

Florida Housing Buyer Assistance Program

Have you heard of the Florida Housing’s Hometown Heroes Program?  This is a down payment / closing cost assistance program for Front Line Workers who are purchasing a Primary Residence.  Thanks to this program, eligible buyers can receive up to 5% of the loan amount to contribute to the funds needed at the closing table.  The eligible occupations include, but are not limited to, healthcare workers, law enforcement, teachers, fire fighters, military, and many more.  You can view the complete list here.


In order to take advantage of this program, there are some limitations concerning the purchase price and income.  These limits are fairly consistent, but can vary by county; however, for most counties, the maximum purchase price is $420,680 for FHA and USDA loans and $647,200 for Conventional and VA loans.  The income limits range from $118,950 to $153,750.  You can view the complete list of purchase and income limitations here.

Grant or Loan?

Hometown Heroes takes the form of a second mortgage.  The great news is this is a 0%, non-amortizing, 30-year deferred second mortgage.  This means there is no interest and you do not owe any payments until one of the following occur:

1. Sale of the home (paid at closing along with the first mortgage);

2. Refinance of the first mortgage;

3. Transfer of the deed;

4. The purchaser no longer occupies the home as a primary residence

Want to Learn More?

If you are interested in this program or have questions, reach out to me.  I would be happy to go over the program with you and put you in touch with an eligible loan officer.  You can also visit the Florida Housing – Hometown Heroes website.

Buying Tips November 5, 2022

First-time Buyers Are Making Moves

Wondering if it is a good time to buy?  If you’re a first-time home buyer, the answer is YES!  With less competition and high rent, the time is perfect!

For more information, check out this article from Florida Realtors:

First-Time Buyers Back Despite Challenges

CHARLOTTE, N.C. – First-time home buyers have returned to the housing market, and those who can afford a home are finding success after years of setbacks. The share of buyers purchasing a home for the first time has rebounded to pre-pandemic levels.

First-time buyers now represent 45% of all buyers, up from 37% of buyers surveyed last year, according to Zillow’s 2022 Consumer Housing Trends Report. If they can overcome affordability challenges, first-time buyers could be well positioned to continue increasing their share in today’s shifting market, with more options and time to decide on the right home.

The share of first-time buyers plummeted during the pandemic amid rapidly rising home values and tough competition, even with high demand coming from the large millennial generation. Zillow research found younger, likely first-time shoppers were losing out to older, repeat buyers who were able to tap the equity in their existing homes and use cash to make a stronger offer. A Zillow survey found younger buyers were more likely to report losing to an all-cash buyer at least once, as was the case for 45% of Gen Z and 38% of millennial buyers, compared to 30% of all buyers.

“First-time buyers now appear to be making relative gains as high mortgage interest rates disproportionately encourage current homeowners to stay put,” said Zillow population scientist Manny Garcia. “The flow of homes into the market is slowing, suggesting homeowners are likely comparing their current low mortgage rate to today’s rates and deciding not to move. While rising mortgage rates are hurting affordability for all buyers, first-time buyers may be less deterred by higher rates because they’re comparing a monthly mortgage payment to what they’re paying in rent.”

First-time buyers are making up a larger share of a smaller pie. Newly pending home sales were down 29% in August, compared to a year prior, as buyers struggle to keep up with higher home prices and interest rates. Home values remain 14.1% higher than last year, even after two consecutive month-over-month declines. When combined with rising mortgage interest rates, the typical monthly payment on a home is nearly 60% higher today than it was a year ago.

Recent Zillow research finds those affordability challenges have driven up demand for the lowest-priced homes in each market. While there are fewer buyers overall, first-time buyers may find more competition for starter homes.

The silver lining is that today’s much-needed market rebalancing has the potential to especially benefit first-time buyers, who have the flexibility to shop without trying to time the purchase of their new home with the sale of an existing home. Listings typically lingered 16 days on the market in August before going under contract, compared to eight days in June, meaning buyers have twice as much time to decide on a home compared to this time last year.

First-time buyers may also have more bargaining power as a growing number of sellers drop their prices. The share of listings with a price cut grew to roughly 28% in August, according to Zillow’s latest monthly market report.

As the market changes, aspiring first-time buyers may need to change their approach. These five tips are a good starting point:

  • Understand what’s affordable. As mortgage interest rates fluctuate, aspiring buyers can start with a mortgage calculator to understand what they can realistically afford on a monthly basis. Take into account some of the hidden costs of homeownership, such as property tax, insurance and HOA dues, which can add up to more than $750 per month. But it’s always best to leave some wiggle room in the budget for unexpected maintenance projects and emergency repairs. First-time shoppers should also explore down payment assistance programs they may qualify for.
  • Finance first. First-time buyers can gain a competitive edge by getting pre-approved for a mortgage. A Zillow survey finds 86% of sellers prefer a buyer who has been pre-approved, as opposed to pre-qualified, for a mortgage. This financial check gives sellers more certainty that a buyer will close on time, and it allows buyers to make a stronger, faster offer the minute the right home hits the market. Buyers can start the pre-approval process online. Don’t hesitate to try, try, try again. Nearly half of all first-time buyers (47%) are denied a mortgage at least once before ultimately getting approved.
  • Hire the right agent. An experienced agent will have a finger on the pulse of their local market and know all the changes happening in it, and they can help buyers make strategic decisions to win. They’ll know when to come in with an offer under list price or when to expect a bidding war. Buyers should plan on interviewing their top candidates and asking the right questions.
  • Shop smarter with tech. New real estate technology can help first-time buyers make faster, smarter decisions. Virtual 3D Home tours and interactive floor plans give shoppers a more authentic experience of a home, allowing them to quickly narrow down their options and tour fewer homes in person.
  • Keep the contingencies. With less competition, first-time buyers should have the leverage to include important contingencies in their offers that could potentially save them a lot of money in the long run. An inspection contingency can identify major structural, mechanical or safety issues that could be extremely costly to repair and cause buyer’s remorse. A financing or appraisal contingency will ensure a buyer can walk away with their earnest money if a home fails to be appraised for the offer price or if their financing falls through.

Copyright © 2022 BridgeTower Media and © 2022, The Mecklenburg Times (Charlotte, NC). All rights reserved.

Infographics and Stats November 2, 2022

September 2022 Stats

Buying Tips November 1, 2022

How Much Should My Down Payment Be?

How Much Should My Down Payment Be?

I get a lot of questions from Buyers about the Down Payment and how much it should be.  One of the main misconceptions is that it must be, at a minimum, 20% of the purchase price.  There is no golden rule about down payment amounts and, more importantly, they will vary from buyer to buyer.  It is best to consult with your Lender and REALTOR to determine what is best for your situation.

For more on this, take a look at the article below from The National Association of Realtors:

Down Payment Misperceptions Persist

The majority of home buyers—87%—finance their home purchase. But some aspiring buyers may delay their purchase due to persistent myths over down payment requirements.

Thirty-five percent of consumers believe they need a down payment of 16% to 20% of the purchase price. Ten percent believe they need more than 20% for a down payment to purchase a home, according to survey data from the National Association of REALTORS®. Home price increases in the double digits over the past year alone make saving for such a large down payment an even tougher hurdle.

However, the typical down payment is much lower. For first-time home buyers, the average down payment over the last three years has ranged between 6% and 7%, Jessica Lautz, NAR’s vice president of demographics and behavioral insights, writes on the association’s blog.

A bar chart showing the consumer belief of the typical downpayment

For repeat buyers, the typical down payment was 17% last year, according to NAR. The down payment among those buyers has been rising over recent years as home equity for owners has grown. Many repeat buyers roll the equity from the previous home into buying their next home.

A line graph charting the typical down payment among home buyers from 1989 to 2021

Buyers have several loan options. About 23% of first-time buyers represented in the survey chose a Federal Housing Administration loan. FHA loans allow borrowers to put down as little as 3.5% on the purchase of a home.

At is external), potential buyers can look for an interactive portion of the site that can direct them to state and local lending programs they may qualify for.

RenovationsSelling Tips October 21, 2022

One of the Fastest Ways to Update a Room

Windows That Wow

What’s one of the fastest and easiest ways to update a room? You guessed it – window treatments. Gone are the days of heavy, dark, drab curtains. Instead, you can refresh just about any space with a variety of modern options to fit every style and budget.

Now Trending
Whether you’re creating a home office space, looking to be more eco-friendly or moving into a new home and want to add your own personal touches, window treatments can make all the difference.
If energy efficiency is on your list, you have many options to choose from. High-tech cellular shades offer temperature control capabilities in a variety of innovative designs. Roller shades have a modern, minimal look and provide UV ray protection while allowing ample natural light in. Blinds have also come a long way, now designed with modern patterns, textures and materials to enhance any space.

 Bring on the Drama
If you’re ready to breathe new life into a room and add a little drama, consider luxurious curtains. Depending on how much light you want, a sophisticated, patterned drape can set the mood and make a bold statement.

By introducing a pop of color, like a bold orange or deep red, you can give your space a dramatic new look. Not into vibrant tones? White window treatments can be just as impactful. Layer white shades with a gauzy curtain to create a romantic and whimsical feel. You could also inject a little boho chic into a room by pairing classic woven or bamboo shades with patterned drapery. Whatever you choose, curtains can easily give your home a whole new look in a matter of minutes.

 Smart Tech
Who would’ve thought that you’d be able to open and close your curtains with the touch of a button? Say hello to smart windows, which let you control your blinds, curtains or shades through either a remote control or handy app. You can easily set up a schedule or use the setting to adjust your window treatments without even having to leave your comfy couch.

Giving your interiors a fresh new look is easier than ever by simply by changing out your window treatments. Whether you’re creating a space that’s soft and serene or bright and bold, these ideas should help set you off on the right path.


Article by:

Coldwell Banker Blog

Buying Tips October 13, 2022

What To Pack For Your First Night In Your New House

Tips for a peaceful first night in your new home.

Moving day is approaching and your to-do list just keeps growing! But, there is one more to-do to add to your list. This to-do gets you ready for a peaceful first night in your new home. You’ll thank me later. Actually, you’ll be too tired to thank me, but that’s okay. Your first night will be great and that’s all the thanks I need.

The last thing anyone wants to do after a long moving day, is to open box after box in search of your pjs, toothbrush, pillow and your kid’s night light. No one wants to go on a treasure hunt at the end of moving day!

Here’s how to have a restful first night:

Pack a suitcase for each family member (two and four legged) for their first night. Bring those suitcases with you, so you’ll know right where they are.

 Each suitcase should be packed with these essentials:

  1. Linens and pillows
  2. Clean pjs
  3. A fresh change of clothes
  4. Toothpaste, toothbrush, soap, toilet paper and towels
  5. Medications, eyeglasses or contact lenses & solutions
  6. Your kids favorite teddy bear, bedtime story and night light
  7. Phone, computer and chargers
  8. A bag for each pet with food, food bowls, toys leash and bed

Keep your family happy & fed:

Pack a family box with food and healthy treats for moving day and for breakfast the next day. Include a few dishes, silverware, paper towels, snacks and food.

Take precautions:

Remember to personally move your credit cards, wallet and jewelry. Keep them safely tucked away.

If you’re moving long distance:

Bring clothing and essentials for at least a week while you’re waiting for the moving truck to arrive. No one wants to have to start their new job or school in their pjs!

Enjoy your first night!

Being able to easily grab what you need makes your first night in your new place feel like home. Watch the video below for more tips!


Article By:

This post was written by Laura McHolm, Chief of Organized Living & NorthStar Moving Company Co-Founder 

Coldwell Banker Blog